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What is Management?

A first priority of good management is attending to safety.

People at risk may not present as being obviously unsafe or exhibit acute behaviours or make explicit disclosures. Many people at risk will not reveal distress or mental illness as a presenting problem. Attending to safety therefore requires astute observation and vigilance. It also requires recognition of the potential for changeability in people’s mental and social wellbeing.

Good management involves addressing underlying issues and continuity of care for the person. This means that although multiple options and pathways of care may be used, effective managers will stay involved with the person’s progress and current and changing needs.

Key management principles

  • Priorities are safety, addressing of underlying issues and continuity of care
  • Tailor interventions to the person’s needs and circumstances in consultation with them
  • Communication, collaboration and co-ordination are key components of good management
  • Effective engagement is vital.

Immediate and ongoing management

  • Crisis intervention will involve ensuring the immediate safety of the suicidal person and any others at risk. (This could involve back up support and/or detaining the person)
  • Immediate management will be followed by a more comprehensive risk assessment to determine the most appropriate management options.