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Collaborative Practice Model

Best response and support occurs locally with people having knowledge that enables them to recognise mental health problems and when and where to seek assistance.

A collaborative approach to suicide prevention is a vital component of square. This collaborative approach to suicide prevention will involve the services and support options available in the localities where clients access help. General practice and other primary health care and community-based services are at the forefront of suicide prevention in this model.

It is crucial that referral pathways are in place and can be identified to ensure that groups at increased risk can readily access appropriate support, care and referral through these mainstream services. It is also very important that the services foster a culture that accepts and caters for the needs of high-risk groups.

The following steps have been taken to implement the model:

  1. At a regional and local level, key stakeholders have met to discuss the model, the tools and possible implementation.
  2. In each region, Divisions of General Practice are being funded to facilitate the implementation of the model and delivery of training as well as supporting relevant practitioners to take up the model.
  3. Key stakeholders identify change champions and people from key agencies to attend training (including general practice and mental health services). The training is delivered locally by Relationships Australia (SA) with active input by local change champions.